What I love about December is the sense of closure I get on the year. It’s a time to wrap things up. In the office we’re tallying our accomplishments and planning for next year’s new developments. That’s the easy part. It’s taking stock of how I’ve lived my life these past twelve months that requires some deep diving. The question is have I been the best human I can be? Have I made the world a better place?
This year I tried to pick up litter wherever I found it, though I admit that an aversion to communicable diseases sometimes caused temporary blindness. I worked hard to really listen when someone needed my attention. This one definitely needs improvement. And of course I still meet weekly with two 7thgrade girls as a Reading Classroom Coach.

City of Austin employee Kathy Garland has kept APIE on her giving list. Kathy is in her fifth year giving an hour a week as a Classroom Coach. Thank you for your commitment to building a better community!
This ritual of annual reflection helps me keep the commercial hype in check and focus on what’s real about the season. And it always informs my “giving campaign” for the coming year.
This year, as you make your lists, please consider the many ways you can make the Austin community a better place, whether it’s picking up litter, donating to a favorite cause, or the most precious gift of all, giving your time. At Austin Partners, we ask volunteers to give one hour a week to help support students in the classroom. Just one hour for 13 weeks between January and May.
Over 200 openings, serving more than 300 children are waiting to be filled for the spring semester. To learn more about how to get involved please go to www.austinpartners.org/volunteer. Register today, we’ll email you training schedules for early January.
Happy Holidays,
Pat Abrams, Executive Director