A New Year for Technology!

PIT Picture 1Partners in Technology (PIT) programs are taking shape for a new year in Austin ISD. Dell TechKnow is anticipated to start after-school sessions the first week in October, with approximately 70% of schools having identified teachers and space for this year’s programs, and the others well on their way. An updated curriculum from Dell will provide students with the most current computer education and as always, all TechKnow graduates will receive a free computer and Internet account for their personal educational use.

The newest development in PIT is the expansion of computer refurbishment labs. With the help of Intel and dedicated instructor Besty O’Neill, PIT is adding its first high school level refurbishment lab at Crockett High School. The program is redesigned as a full-year high school level course, with the potential to refurbish 300 to 500 computers to be distributed throughout the Dell TechKnow program and to other deserving recipients.

This year’s changes to the program will include a new push for student volunteers in the Dell TechKnow program. Many students have enjoyed the program enough to want to volunteer to help the current students. Austin Partners in Education and its partners are thrilled by the dedication shown by these future leaders in the computer technology field.


Austin Partners in Education will be closed beginning Friday, December 22 and ending Friday, January 5. We will return to normal business hours on Monday, January 8. All emails, phone calls, and volunteer background check applications will be completed upon our return. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Happy Holidays!

Austin Partners in Education cerrará comenzando el viernes 22 de diciembre y hasta el viernes 5 de enero. Volveremos al horario comercial normal el lunes 8 de enero. Todos los correos electrónicos, llamadas telefónicas y solicitudes de verificación de antecedentes de voluntarios se completarán a nuestro regreso. Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión. ¡Felices Fiestas!