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October Newsletter: A Slice of APIE

Quick Bites of APIE | Tips for Classroom Coaches Take your time – Get to know your students and establish a good rapport on the

January Newsletter: A Slice of APIE

Quick Bites of APIE: Benefits of Being a Volunteer Increases self-confidence– volunteering can create a significant boost to your self-esteem and overall life satisfaction Brings fulfillment– volunteer

December Newsletter: A Slice of APIE

Quick Bites of APIE: Accomplishments in 2015 College Readiness Program nationally recognized by President Obama as a Commitment to Action Recognized as a Bright Spot in Hispanic

November Newsletter: A Slice of APIE

Quick Bites of APIE: How your donations support our programs $50 Materials for one class of Reading Classroom Coaching $110 One year of mentoring for an

October Newsletter: A Slice of APIE

Quick Bites of APIE: Reading Program 2014-2015 APIE’s Reading Program is offered in both English and Spanish. More than 700 students were served in APIE’s

September Newsletter: A Slice of APIE

Quick Bites of APIE: College Readiness 2014-2015 62% of Central Texas high school students graduated college ready. 679 students were served in APIE’s College Readiness

August Newsletter: A Slice of APIE

Quick Bites of APIE: Tips to Classroom Coaches Take your time getting to know your students and establish good rapport on the first day of

July Newsletter: A Slice of APIE

Quick Bites: APIE’s Top Reads This Summer Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change by Joseph Grenny Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman The

June Newsletter: A Slice of APIE

Quick Bites: APIE’s Advice on Life After High School Graduation  “Explore everything you can and never put yourself in a box.” Natalie Persicano, Training Program Designer

May Newsletter: A Slice of APIE

Quick Bites of APIE: Teachers of Texas 1. AISD has 242 national board certified teachers – more than any school district in Texas. 2. The

Teacher Appreciation Week

As Teacher Appreciation Week continues, we’d like to recognize our 2015 Middle School Champion, Ms. Kimberly Moctezuma.  Ms. Moctezuma, a 6th grade teacher at Burnet

Supporting Students' Paths to Higher Education

We help students develop their academic skills and confidence.

We work each day to help students develop the skills to obtain a higher education that leads to a prosperous career. Support our academic and mentoring programs today and make certain that the next generation of Austinites can participate in Austin’s success.