Happy Volunteer Appreciation Month! We’re endlessly grateful to you, our dedicated volunteers. Without you, APIE wouldn’t be … APIE!
Our students love when you take time out of your day to work with them!
“They help me and they’re nice and they give us extra help.” – Judy
“They take the time to explain it to us step by step.” – Samantha
“We still do work but it’s a little bit of a break because it’s fun work.” – Gerardo
And it appears that you love your time with the students, too!
“The students keep me young!” – Joan
“I like giving back to the community. If you give a person an education, it’s like teaching them to fish.” – Dave
“I walk away from every volunteer opportunity with such great fulfillment. It is great to do something for the kids and the community.” – Kalandra
Volunteer Spotlight | Andrew Durham
Hi Andrew! How has your experience as a Math Classroom Coach been so far?
It has been great. The students are very respectful, willing to learn and always very happy to see us when we walk in the door. We have a great group of tutors and the classroom teacher is very welcoming – a positive experience all around.
Why did you decide to become a Classroom Coach?
I used to tutor High School math whilst at University, and I wanted to get involved again and offer any help to encourage the next generation. When I heard about the opportunity at APIE and the experiences of other tutors it compelled me to sign up. My sons are a similar age to these students I help tutor, so it also gives me an up-to-date refresher for our homework time!
In general, what do you like about volunteering – what keeps you coming back?
I like seeing someone having that “lightbulb moment”, when a concept sinks in and they are able to repeat and master the new ability. Each person can take a slightly different length of time to pick up new theories or ideas, and sometimes we as tutors can offer that little extra one-on-one attention that is the encouragement to realize the concept.
Do you have any favorite stories about your students so far?
One girl was struggling with ratios for the majority of the lesson. Finally, it clicked right as the bell rang. As the others packed up, she finished the problem herself and seemed very proud that she figured it out (and wouldn’t have to complete it for homework)!
As a volunteer, what lasting impact do you hope to have on your students?
My goal is to offer a familiar face, giving them an opportunity to ask questions and progress each week. I aim to encourage them to stick with math, keep trying and it will start to make sense. As an engineer – I like to offer them proof that math really is used in the real world.
Why should someone volunteer as a Classroom Coach?
It is a great way to get out of the office and have a change of scenery that is 100% different than the rest of the work-week. Sitting in the classroom is by far the fastest and most enjoyable 45 minutes of my week. It is also important that students see people (other than parents and teachers) care about them and perhaps it may also inspire them to volunteer in the future.
Donor Spotlight | Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation

Executive Director Cathy Jones with IICF Board Member Norma Essary
Special thanks to the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) for their recently awarded grant to APIE’s College Readiness program. IICF Board member, Norma Essary, also CEO of Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas, recommended APIE to IICF and we are deeply grateful.
The IICF is a unique organization that helps communities and enriches lives by uniting the collective strength of the insurance industry through grants, volunteer service, and leadership. The IICF has served as the philanthropic branch of the insurance industry for more than 25 years. During their annual Week of Giving, IICF member, The Zenith Company, has supported APIE over the past two years during its annual Week of Giving and has also provided volunteer support several other times.
“I look forward to our volunteer experiences with APIE because it helps me learn and understand the needs of our community. I know how important it was for me to grow up with an education and I want every kid out there to have the same opportunity, regardless of their circumstances. The work that APIE is doing for our community will have far-reaching implications and I’m happy to be able to partner with them to make a difference.” Lisa – The Zenith Company
Thank you, IICF!
Join us at Salute!
Save the Date! APIE is hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Event on Wednesday, June 5th!
Picnic in the Park!
Pease Park – 4:30 pm – 7:30pm
Refreshments provided