A Slice of APIE: October 2018 Newsletter

October 2018

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Our Mentoring and Math Classroom Coaching programs are officially back in full swing! From students and teachers to staff here at APIE, we are so grateful for your commitment to supporting the success of young Austinites. Thank you! In this issue, be sure to check out tips and testimonials from our community members.

Refer a Friend | Spread the Word About APIE

IMG_2025“The mentorship you give students really makes a difference in their lives. Volunteers are needed in all schools.  Please sign up to help and make a difference in a child’s life. -Joan, APIE Math Classroom Coach

“Not only does my mentee get excited about me coming every week, but his friends do, too. We really need more volunteers.” -Derrick, APIE Mentor

We are still looking to fill spots in our Math Classroom Coaching and Mentoring programs! Have you asked your friends, coworkers, or neighbors, “Do you like working with students?  Can you give one hour a week to enrich the education of  a young learner?”  We would love for them to join APIE! Click here to register.

Listen to more testimonials about volunteering with APIE here.

Quick Bites of APIE | Tips for Math Classroom Coaches

  • Relationships are an essential part of learning.  Spend time getting to know your students.  Make sure you know their names and use them.  Ask them questions to learn about their lives.  As a volunteer, you are modeling the relationship you want to have with them, and how they can relate to their world.
  • Be patient.  Students may become disengaged when learning difficult concepts.   Math is a subject that takes time to learn.  Math Classroom Coaches answer questions, guide the discussion, and help find successes to balance out failures.
  • Make math relevant. Whenever possible, relate concepts to everyday life. Even if the student doesn’t think a lesson is applicable, remind them when math can be used in the world around them.  Share your enthusiasm for math and learning!
  • Celebrate mistakes.  A mistake is an opportunity to learn.  Help students examine their mistakes so they can learn what they still need to learn!
  • Praise effort. Celebrate students’ progress by acknowledging their effort.  Give genuine and specific praise for their behaviors that you would like to reinforce.  (“I like that you asked questions to make sure you understood what the problem is asking for” or “I like how you explained the problem to your friend.”)
  • Have fun. The relationships you build with your students over the year may impact their worldview, and yours. Students look forward to having a caring community member come into their classroom. Remember to enjoy math, your students, and yourself!

Happy Hour Recap

On Tuesday, September 25th APIE volunteers, donors, staff and Board members toasted the new school year at Austin Eastciders. We enjoyed a variety of ciders as well as delicious hors d’oeuvres provided by a friend of APIE, and donated by Trader Joe’s. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us!

Giving Tuesday | November 27, 2018

Save the date

This holiday season, give the gift of a mentor or a tutor to students across Austin ISD. APIE greatly appreciates your volunteer work with Austin ISD students, and we are able to create even more of an impact through generous donations.

Mark your calendars to support our Mentoring and Math Classroom Coaching programs on November 27.


Fall Day of Caring | September 21, 2018

JP Morgan

APIE gives a warm “thank you” to our friends at United Way Central Texas for hosting Fall Day of Caring 2018! Members from JP Morgan Chase came to help prepare materials for APIE’s Math Classroom Coaching program as we kicked off the new school year. Thank you, JP Morgan and UWATX!



2019 Austin Marathon | Join Our Team!


The 2019 Austin Marathon, Half-Marathon, and 5K will take place on Sunday, February 17, 2019.  Registration is open, and we hope you will join our team here!

For updates, insider stories, and increasing price notifications follow Austin Partners In Education on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.


Hungry for more APIE? Follow us!

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Austin Partners in Education will be closed beginning Friday, December 20 and ending Friday, January 3. We will return to normal business hours on Monday, January 6. All correspondance will receive a reply upon our return. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Happy Holidays!

Austin Partners in Education cerrará comenzando el viernes 22 de diciembre y hasta el viernes 5 de enero. Volveremos al horario comercial normal el lunes 8 de enero. Todos los correos electrónicos, llamadas telefónicas y solicitudes de verificación de antecedentes de voluntarios se completarán a nuestro regreso. Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión. ¡Felices Fiestas!