November Newsletter: A Slice of APIE

Quick Bites of APIE: How your donations support our programs

  • $50 Materials for one class of Reading Classroom Coaching
  • $110 One year of mentoring for an at-risk student
  • $225 One year of Math Classroom Coaching for one student
  • $500 Materials for one school in new  Career Conversations Program for one year
  • $1,000 One year of College Readiness preparation and advising for one student

Donor Spotlight: Brad Pflugerpfluger_red test

Austin Partners in Education is proud to spotlight Brad Pfluger, president of local architecture firm Pfluger Architecture. Pfluger has been a generous partner to APIE for many years and most recently co-sponsored our first Donor Appreciation Event and Silent Auction held in October. With a passion for education and community involvement, Pfluger continuously supports and impacts students across Austin ISD campuses.

Name: Brad Pfluger

Occupation: President Architect at Pfluger Architects

Why does Pfluger support education programs in our community?

We believe that a good education is the foundation for a successful life. Financially, school systems can only go so far and it is critical for industry partners to step up to support students and Austin ISD.

What makes APIE a great partner for Pfluger?

Austin Partners in Education plays a vital role in establishing a variety of opportunities for individuals and companies to participate. In addition, APIE is the glue that connects partners to campuses.

Why does Pfluger believe in giving back to the community?

We believe that giving back to the Austin community is vital to the success of our city’s growth and financial future. Volunteer work builds relationships and bonds groups of people together. There is no greater feeling than when a group of people share ideas and solve problems for another person’s benefit.

In this season of thanks, what is Pfluger most thankful for?

We are most thankful for family, friends, and the opportunity to work with great people in a team oriented atmosphere where every child counts.

APIE would like to thank Pfluger Architects again for their generous commitment to APIE’s programs and donors. To join Pfluger in providing academic support to AISD students, please visit our donate page today.

Volunteer Spotlight: Zachariah Blechmanzach

APIE values volunteers who keep coming back each year; they are game changers in the classroom. And in a time of thanks, we couldn’t be more grateful for returning volunteers like Zachariah Blechman. He is the Recreation Program Specialist at the City of Austin and has served as a 2nd Grade Reading Classroom Coach for the past 3 years. Growing up, he valued his high school counselors and college advisers who he says had a major influence on the person he is today. Thank you, Zachariah, for all you do for the great city of Austin and for our AISD students.

What is your favorite part about volunteering?

My favorite part of volunteering is getting to see the growth of the kids that I work with over the course of the year. Their added confidence that comes with improving their literacy skills and how it translates beyond our hour with them is very rewarding.

How has education played a role in your own life and career?

I am a big believer in the value of literacy; and as a person with both an undergraduate and graduate degree, I believe that education and learning have played a core role in helping develop me into the person I am today. Without my high school counselor and my academic advisers in both undergrad and grad school, I do not believe that I would the person I am today.

What has been your proudest moment as an APIE volunteer?

The genuine thanks I’ve received from some of my mentees at the end of the year, where despite their gripes about sitting down and working through the reading, they were sad that our time together was over. It’s always nice hearing you’ve made something that they assumed would be unpleasant a positive experience for them.

Would APIE have benefited you as a student?

I enjoyed and responded positively to similar reading programs when I was in elementary school, but often outpaced what was available. I certainly would have enjoyed it, but I think the benefits would have been more in terms of some of the intricacies of the language and social skills we also help develop in our mentees.

APIE in the Classroom

Austin Partners In Education volunteers work with students throughout Austin.

The classroom door swings open, revealing students’ smiling faces and an atmosphere of anticipation. The room may grow loud or quickly quiet, depending on the classroom. As some students’ excitement pushes them from their chairs, their teacher reminds them to remain seated. He, too, is smiling. It’s APIE day once again, and the Coaches are here! Students look forward to this day each week, and they are excited to spend those precious 45 minutes with their Coach.

In this season of Thanksgiving, we are especially grateful to our volunteers, whose dedication to their students and generous donation of time throughout the school year is nothing short of admirable, and to our donors, whose contributions combine to provide innovative, results-driven programs to students throughout Austin ISD. Your donations of time and money help create a supportive atmosphere where students can gain confidence, learn, and bond with caring adults from all walks of life. THANK YOU for all you do for Austin ISD students and for APIE.

APIE after Schoolstella n dot logo

APIE’s work is only possible with the help of our generous donors and volunteers. In this season of thanks, we are hosting two upcoming events to give back to you. Our final Lunch & Learn of the year takes place this coming Monday, November 16 with Dr. Jane Johnson, APIE Volunteer and UT Professor, speaking on Service Learning in the classroom. We are also offering a special event exclusive to APIE volunteers in December. Get your holiday shopping done early with the help of a Stella and Dot jewelry show with a portion of the night’s sales going towards APIE programs. Don’t forget to RSVP to these exciting events!

Nov. 16 Lunch & Learn with Dr. Jane Johnson

November’s Lunch & Learn speaker is Jane Johnson, Ph.D. Dr. Johnson is a Senior Lecturer of Medieval Spanish literature at the University of Texas at Austin, and serves as the Coordinator of Service Learning and Community Outreach for the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Donors and guests are invited to enjoy a complimentary lunch while hearing how APIE engages students through service learning opportunities. Please RSVP to to join us November 16 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 pm at Mitte Carriage House downtown.

Dec. 10 Holiday Jingle & Mingle with APIE

Volunteers are invited to an exclusive event just in time for holiday shopping! Join your volunteer coordinators at our Holiday Mingle & Jingle featuring sparkling jewelry from Stella & Dot perfect for anyone on your shopping list this season. A portion of the night’s sales will be donated to APIE programs. We can’t wait to see you December 10 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Location TBD.

APIE Donor Meterstackable books October

It’s National Philanthropy Month! Ready to be thanked all month long? Become an APIE donor. Your gift of $10 makes you eligible for donor exclusives like Lunch & Learns all year long.

Before you start your cyberMonday shopping, choose to support APIE at Email with any questions.


Austin Partners in Education will be closed beginning Friday, December 20 and ending Friday, January 3. We will return to normal business hours on Monday, January 6. All correspondance will receive a reply upon our return. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Happy Holidays!

Austin Partners in Education cerrará comenzando el viernes 22 de diciembre y hasta el viernes 5 de enero. Volveremos al horario comercial normal el lunes 8 de enero. Todos los correos electrónicos, llamadas telefónicas y solicitudes de verificación de antecedentes de voluntarios se completarán a nuestro regreso. Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión. ¡Felices Fiestas!