Research indicates volunteering in public schools provides a number of valued educational and social outcomes. It's not just good for the children, it's also good for the volunteers.
It’s the first of January, and the hot topic around our table is resolutions. Almost everyone seems to have some form of health and fitness goal as part of their plan for the coming year – start or increase exercise, eat healthier, lose weight – you know the list.
But check this out: research has proven that volunteering can produce lower rates of heart disease and depression. It can even help you live longer!
You can read out more about this research یہاں.
As you make your plans for improving your quality of life in 2012, consider registering to be a Classroom Coach, Step-Up tutor, mentor or general school volunteer. APIE is still seeking over 150 volunteers to support students in reading and math. Give just one hour a week. It’s good for your health!
Learn about all of the opportunities اور register today. Trainings are being scheduled for next week.
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