APIE provides college and career readiness support through individualized academic and mentoring programs to prepare students for success.

우리의 이야기

Austin Partners in Education은 학생 중심의 개인지도 및 멘토링 프로그램을 통해 대학 및 취업 준비를 향상시키는 데 전념하는 비영리 단체입니다.

APIE was originally created in 1983 as Adopt-A-School by the Austin Independent School District and the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce before becoming Austin Partners in Education, an independent 501(c)(3) in 2004. We work in partnership with Austin ISD to reinvent the urban-school experience and build a talent pipeline of local students to grow the regional economy. Since our founding, we have trained and placed nearly 17,000 tutors and mentors, who have supported over 37,000 Austin ISD students.

Our academic support and mentoring programs increase access to higher education. We utilize best practice learning models with proven results that have received recognition from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and have been cited as an example of Better Use of Community Resources by the U.S. Department of Education. We were also honored by the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics.

APIE’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Statement 

Austin Partners in Education is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion to ensure that as an antiracist organization we are moving our mission forward in an equitable way. We are continuously reminded of the deep inequities that persist in our society and we recognize that we must educate ourselves and critically examine our programs to be able to best serve our students. We have partnered with The Inclusion Practice, Strength Perspective, and Austin ISD to engage in this important work in a sustainable way. Our goal through these efforts is to support more positive and equitable outcomes in the workplace and for our students.

APIE’s Guiding Principles

  • Student Centered: We are passionate advocates for our students. Their academic success and development is the focus of our work. 
  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: We welcome, embrace and support all staff, students, volunteers and partners to create a culture where everyone feels included and valued for their unique strengths, abilities, and life experiences. 
  • Positive Influence: Our work, programs and resources create a positive influence for our students, their schools and the community that reaches beyond academic improvement; building confidence to improve social and emotional well-being. 
  • Collaborative Engagement: We gather input from stakeholders to ensure we are making the best decisions.
  • Strategic Partnerships: We strategically partner to leverage our resources and expertise. 

Austin ISD 학생 지원

우리 프로그램

대학 및 취업 준비를 향상시키기 위해 설계된 학생 중심 프로그램.

Math Classroom Coaching is a volunteer-driven, in-class academic support and career exploration program provided to middle school math students at four middle schools.

자원 봉사자들은 매주 학생들과 일대일로 관계를 구축하고 긍정적 인 역할 모델로 봉사합니다.

오스틴 ISD의 연방 보조금의 일환으로 7 년 동안 수학 및 읽기를 전공하는 학생들을위한 과외.

Academic support for students to meet college readiness standards, allowing access to Early College High Schools or P-TECH Schools.

수년에 걸친 우리의 영향

우리 프로그램이 학생들의 삶을 어떻게 변화 시켰는지.

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Austin ISD 자원 봉사자를위한 범죄 신원 조사
학생들은 대학 준비가되었습니다
교육을 받고 배치 된 강의실 코치 및 멘토

고등 교육을위한 학생들의 진로 지원

우리는 학생들이 학업 기술과 자신감을 개발하도록 돕습니다.

본교는 매일 학생들이 고등 교육을받을 수있는 기술을 개발하여 번영 경력을 쌓도록 도와줍니다. 오늘 우리의 학업 및 멘토링 프로그램을 지원하고 차세대 오스틴 사람들이 오스틴의 성공에 참여할 수 있는지 확인하십시오.

우리와 함께 삶을 바꾸십시오

자원 봉사자들은 튜터와 멘토로 봉사함으로써 Austin ISD 학생들의 성취 격차를 해소하는 데 도움을줍니다. 일주일에 한 시간 만 있으면 큰 차이를 만들 수 있습니다! 학업 성공을 지원하고 학생들의 교육 경험을 풍부하게합니다.

Website Holiday Message - 400 x 700 px

Austin Partners in Education will be closed beginning Friday, December 22 and ending Friday, January 5. We will return to normal business hours on Monday, January 8. All emails, phone calls, and volunteer background check applications will be completed upon our return. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Happy Holidays!

Austin Partners in Education cerrará comenzando el viernes 22 de diciembre y hasta el viernes 5 de enero. Volveremos al horario comercial normal el lunes 8 de enero. Todos los correos electrónicos, llamadas telefónicas y solicitudes de verificación de antecedentes de voluntarios se completarán a nuestro regreso. Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión. ¡Felices Fiestas!